EdgeSounds' RatHole (former GenieSys RatHole) is a free unique nondestructive universal compression utility. Its function is based on a principle of self-training neural networks.
EdgeSounds RatHole was especially designed for nondestructive compression of any files containing audio data in PCM 8/16/24 bit or IEEE_FLOAT 32 bit format.
A new EdgeSounds compression algorithm makes it possible to efficiently reduce the size of packed audio data and later unpack exactly same bits, with no difference to the original data. The compression algorithm compresses audio data, considering the bit depth of the digital data contained in the audio file (8/16/24/32 bit). The algorithm is proven to be equally effective on compressing the following file types:
- Audio files WAV, AU, AIFF, SND;
- Ensoniq Paris PAS;
- Sample sound banks as:
- AVM Apex bank file APEX
- Aureal sound bank ARL
- Creative Labs/E-mu System SoundFont banks format 1&2.x SBK, SF2;
- Downloadable sounds level 1&2 DLS;
- Ensoniq EPS Files EFE, Ensoniq Instruments family files INS, Ensoniq Disk Image GKH;
- Gravis Ultrasound /Forte Patch PAT;
- Kurzweil 2000-2600 files KRZ;
- Nemesys/Tascam GIG;
- Seer Systems Reality banks SEERBANKSET;
- Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank WFB;
- Virtual Sampler bank VSB;
- Multi-track audio data as Cakewalk/Sonar BUN, CWB;
- Impulse Tracker instrument ITI, Fast Tracker 2 instrument XI;
- any other formats containing audio data
The compression ratio of the algorithm depends on the size of audio data, the balance between the tone and noise component, bit depth and other factors, and usually varies from 36% to 78% or even more, with an average of 48-56%. The higher is the bit depth and the fidelity of audio data, the better is the compression ratio.
The RatHole can be successfully used as a common archiving utility for any other file types as well.
User interface:
EdgeSounds RatHole v3.1.0 for Windows
EdgeSounds RatHole v3.6.1 for MAC OS X
EdgeSounds RatHole has a very simple user interface. All you have to do is to anchor files that you want to compress or decompress with the mouse, drag and drop them onto the RatHole's screen.
Windows version: Drag and drop files to the Drop Target pane. Alternatively, you can press the Add Files button and select files you want to process. To remove files from the Input Queue you have to select files in the Drop Target list and press the Remove Files button.
When you press the Start button, all files in the Input Queue will be processed - RatHole archive files (with file extension *.RHL) will be decompressed, but all other file types compressed to rhl-file. The resulting files will be created either in the same directory as the source files (if To Same Directory check box is checked) or in any directory of your choice (if To Defined Directory check box is checked). If Delete Source check box is checked, source files will be deleted after successful processing. You can immediately terminate current process by pressing Stop button.
Note: for security reasons any hidden and system files can not be placed into the Input Queue.
Bit-depth Optimization combo Box is intended for a manual control over the optimization mode of the compression. When the mode is set to Auto, the application will choose the best optimization type automatically.
The results of the processing are displayed in the Report panel. You can clear the previous report by pressing Clear Report button.
Current Versions:
- EdgeSounds RatHole v. 3.1.0 for Windows
- EdgeSounds RatHole v. 3.6.1 for Mac OS X Universal Binary
System Requirements:
- Windows: Windows Operating System
- Mac: Mac OS X v 10.4.4 or later
The latest version of the EdgeSounds RatHole is available for download from the Downloads page.
The use of the software is subject to the License Agreement.